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You are going to modify the program so that it can be used for card counting. It will need to display one message if the value of the card is from 3 to 6 . It will need to display a different ExeRcise message if the card is a 10, Jack, Queen, or King.
\( \operatorname{int} \operatorname{main}() \)
char card name [3]
puts ("Enter the card_name: ")
\( \operatorname{scan} f\left("+2 s^{\prime \prime}\right. \), card name) \( t \)
int val \( =0 ; \)
if (card_name \( \left.[0]=\cdots^{\prime} \cdot\right) \) f
val \( =10 i \)
\} else if (card_name \( [0]=\ldots \) 'Q') 1
val \( =10 \);
\} else if (card_name \( [0]=-\mathrm{J}^{*} \) ) 1
val \( =10 \)
\} else if (card_name \( [0]==\cdot \mathrm{A}^{\circ} \mathrm{)} \mathrm{t} \)
val \( =11 \);
lelse t
val \( = \) atoi (card_name) \( z \)
/* Check if the value is 3 to \( 6 * / \) \( ((v a \mid>=3) \)
puts ("Count has gone up") \( z \)
else if
puts ("Count has gone down") :
return 0 ,

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Was genau daran verstehst du denn nicht? Es ist doch alles super in den Kommentaren beschrieben..

Bitte drücke dich klarer aus..

gruß GustavDerBraune

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